Grandparents Journal - Capturing those special moments with the Grandparents

I remember as a child some of the funny stories my Pop told me, about his childhood, what life was like when he was growing up in the 1940s, driving a tractor as his first job at 13 whilst attending school, along with some of the mischief he got up to with his siblings on weekends (I can still remember my shocked face as he told me of his "adventures".
I also remember my Poppy telling me a story of how he met my Grandma and that he would always be outside his shop (conveniently) sweeping the path when my Grandma would walk past to catch her bus on the way to work.
These stories made me smile and I got to learn what life was like back in the 30s and 40s. Before televisions, and all the modern technology.
I also really love the stories my grandparents have of me as a child growing up. My Nan had a set of keys for the house and I carried them everywhere knowing every key to every door. I also used to tag along with my Pa to work and help him give orders to his workmen (I was three!), and it was a story told on my 18th also! 
I had such amazing memories with my grandparents, and since becoming a Mum, I not only watch my grandparents and the great relationship they have with our daughters, I also love watching our parents with our daughters and the memories that they are creating. From big overseas trips, to simple quiet times of Saturday morning cuddles with grandparents in bed, its memories that they treasure and memories that my daughters will remember.
 We created the Grandparents Journal as a way for grandparents to tell their stories, pass on their advice and leave something of them for their grandchildren when they are no longer with us. To have that keepsake is priceless!!
Our Grandparents Journal has been created with this in mind. Lots of space for pictures, stories and the like, all wrapped in the premium quality coverings and bindings that you’ve come to expect of Belle & Grace Boutique. Head across to the store and get yours now 
A photo of our grandparents journal
Kylie xx